Helicops infrataeniatus Jan 1865

Helicops infrataeniatus Jan 1865: 253.

Lectotype: ZMH - R04331 (formerly no. B88 da) The other syntype from Brazil is deposited in Essex Inst. Salem according to Jan (1865). Types: ZMH R04340-4 (5 specimens) type locality "Mexico" in error. The type specimens of Calopisma septemvittata are a species inquirenda (Smith & Taylor , 1945), and cannot allied to any known species in the Mexican herpetofauna (Flores-Villela 1993 [Calopisma septemvittata] Syntypes: (2) ANSP 11206-07; Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul. [baliogaster] 

Distribution: Southern Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina, ?Paraguay.

Original description
Jan, G. 1865. Enumerazione sistematica degli ofidi appartenenti ai gruppo Potamophilidae. Archive per la Zoologia, l’Anatomia et la Fisiologia 3 (2): 201-265 

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