Erpeton tentaculatus
Lácèpede, 1800: 169. Holotype: MNNH. Type locality: none given.
tentaculatus: Merrem, 1820: 82.
Homalopsis herpeton:
Schlegel, 1837a, 2: 359.
Herpeton tentaculatum:
Jan and Sordelli, 1860: 1, pl. 1.
Herpeton herpeton:
Giebel, 1861: 110.
Distribution: Southern Thailand, Cambodia, southern
Vietnam (Murphy, 2007).
Diagnosis: Prominent paired rostral appendages;
dorsal scales in 34 – 39 at mid-body, heavily keeled; ventrals very narrow with
keel on each side (left and right) readily separate this snake from all other
The largest snake measured was a female
with a total length of 767 mm with a 231 mm. The largest male measured had a
total length of 724 mm and a 246 mm tail. Morice (1875b) reported a snake with
a total length of 0.92 m, with a 0.22 m tail. The smallest specimen he reported
had a 213 mm SVL and a total length of 273 mm. Martinez and Behler (1988) found
neonates ranged in length from 197 - 244 mm. The tail is proportionally the longest
in any homalopsid; and combining all populations the T/SVL ratio is 43 - 59% in
males, and 33 - 44% in females. However, populations vary in this trait. At the
base of the tail the width is 72% of the height based upon the average of five
External Morphology
The head is distinct
from the neck and it is depressed. The snout is blunt and forms a right angle
to the face. There are two scale covered rostral tentacles that are 4 - 5 mm
long on adults. These tentacles make this the most readily recognizable snake
on the planet. The eyes are relatively large and lateral; and its diameter is
greater than the eye-mouth distance, the only described homalopsid having this
character state. In dorsal view the eyes bulge from the side of the face. The
body is depressed, and some individuals have the lowest ventral count for any homalopsid
(some have as few as 91 ventral scales), it will be interesting to see if these
correlate well with vertebrae.
On the head the rostral
scale is divided into 2 - 6 small scales in the material examined. The nasal
scales are slightly raised above the surface of the crown; they may be in
contact with each other or separated by smaller scales; smaller scales surround
the perimeters of the nasal scales. The
internasal scales are paired, they are posterior to the nasals and they are
smaller than the nasals; and each contains a raised keel or tubercle (in both
sexes). There may be an azygous scale between the internasal scales and the
prefrontal scales. The prefrontal scales are larger than the internasal scales
and about equal in area to the nasals; they also contain keels or tubercles.
The frontal is short, about 63% of the interocular distance; it is also smooth,
lacking keels or tubercles. The parietals are large and smooth. The supraocular
scale is single and smooth, and is separated from the frontal and parietal by
small scales. The preocular scale is usually single, but part of the divided
upper labial may enter the orbit below the preocular, thus producing two
preoculars; subocular scales number 2 - 3, postocular scales number 3 - 4. The
loreal region is composed of two rows of scales; the upper row may be much
larger than the ventral row; these scales also have a keel or tubercle. The
temporal region contains numerous small scales, in the area of the primary
temporal there may be 3 - 4 small scales that are keeled. The upper labials are
keeled, divided, and number 10 - 16.
On the chin the lower
labials are also divided and may be keeled and tuberculate. They number 13 - 22,
and they exhibit some geographic variation. Cambodian populations have 13 - 18
(13 - 8%; 14 - 21%; 15 - 25%; 16 - 25%; 17 - 12.5%; 18 - 4%), while Thailand
populations have 17 - 22 lower labials (17 - 12.5%; 18 - 25%; 19 - 31%, 20 - 12.5%;
21 - 12.5%; 22 - 6%). Chin shields number 1 - 4, with a single individual
showing the range of variation (one chin shield on the right side, four on the
left). These scales are keeled and tuberculate in some males; thus, tubercles
may be seasonal. Gular scales blend into the ventral scales and extend well
onto the body. On the body the dorsal
scales are elongate, heavily keeled, and they number 34 - 39 on the neck, 34 - 39
at midbody, and 29 - 35 near the vent. No pattern, geographic or sexual, was
found associated with the dorsal row counts. The ventral scales are very narrow
and bicarinate. They are about 1.5 times the width of a nearby dorsal scale.
They number 91 - 122 and they vary geographically (see Table 15. The Cambodian
population shows sexual dimorphism in the number of ventrals, while the
Thailand population does not. On the tail the
subcaudal scales are divided and number 94 - 140 in males and 89 - 127 in
females. However, there is a geographic pattern to this variation.
Color and Pattern.
Soderberg (1966) reported that most Thai specimens are orange with brown
markings and white spots, while some specimens are black with gray markings and
white spots. He reported three captive females that gave birth, each litter was
composed of young with both of these color morphs, and considered the color
morphs distinct and suggest the coloration does not change with age. Specimens
examined were almost uniform orange or brown in color; and some had yellow
cross bars on the anterior body with each cross bar bordered with black posteriorly,
these bars are usually less than one scale row wide, and they fade posteriorly.
Dark brown blotches, 2 - 5 scale rows wide, and spaced 2 - 3 scale rows apart
may be present on the sides and extend onto the tail. Other specimens have
complex patterns of stripes on the dorsum and venter. All of these patterns are
represented in a sample of 17 specimens examined from Cambodia.
The tentacled snake uses stagnant or
slow moving bodies of water. The habitats examined contained substantial
amounts of emergent-submergent vegetation; it seems likely that this species
rarely leaves the water. The literature supports this view. Morice (1875b)
wrote, "This snake is calm in movements; it spends its life among aquatic
plants, and it undulates in the same manner as the plants following the
current..." Campden-Main (1970) considered it, "...entirely
aquatic..." Cox (1991) stated that it, “...prefers living in slow moving
water." Smith (1943) wrote, “It is not uncommon in ponds and sluggish
waters in the country round Bangkok if one knows where to look for it, and,
according to Bourret it is not rare in Cambodia and Vietnam (Cochin China). It
is entirely aquatic in its habits and on land is almost helpless. Taylor (1965)
stated, "It is aquatic, living in ponds, klongs and slow moving
Diet and Feeding
As the common name, fishing snake, suggests this species is strictly
piscivorous. Shaw (1965) observed feeding behavior of adults and neonates in captivity
and found that they both patiently wait in an immobile, rigid posture for fish
to venture close enough to be seized. Cornelissen (1970) suggested that the
fish was partially swallowed with the strike. I videotaped feeding strikes of
this species in an aquarium using medium sized (3 cm) Betta splendens
for prey and found that prey handling time was very short or virtually
non-existent. On some of the successful strikes the fish disappeared within a
single frame; the frame speed was 1/30th of a second.
Smith et al. (1998,
2002) filmed feeding Erpeton and
found pre-strike tongue flicks rare, usually the snake remained motionless with
tentacles extended and waited for the fish to move into a specific area before
striking. The strike was launched from a preset J-shaped posture that involved
the head and neck turning back toward the body. As the head traveled toward the
fish, the mouth opened and water collected in the throat causing it to balloon.
The fish was secured on buccal teeth and quickly swallowed by unilateral
displacements of the jaws. They suggested that the head, jaw, throat, and
glottis exhibit features that are hydrodynamic for underwater strikes.
Literature accounts of
this species frequent describe vegetation in the gut. Morice (1875a) stated
that the Annamites believe it to feed on fish and an aquatic plant that they
call Rau Giua, Cubospermum palustris of Loureiro, which is Jussiaea repens (Paul Gritis suggested this plant is Ludwigia adscendens). Morice said the plant is common in
the brackish water of lower Cochinchina, and he claims to have placed this
plant and an Erpeton together in a
pot and in a few days the plant was reduced to "...some filaments attached
to the stem." He also reported plant remains in the stomach and intestines
of this species. These same observations are repeated in his 1875b account with
the addition that frogs are eaten, and that he observed one specimen to eat a
tadpole. He also stated that the intestines are more convoluted than in most
snakes. Neill and Allen (1956) found
algae in the stomach of this snake and suggested accidental ingestion to
explain its presence. Saint Girons (1972)
also found plant debris in the stomachs of specimens he examined. Having
observed the explosive strike of this snake, it is not surprising that this
species swallows anything in the path of the strike and given the kind of
stagnant, vegetation dense water it inhabits plant material in the stomach is
not at all surprising. However, this snake is not herbivorous or omnivorous as
suggested by Morice; ingested vegetation is quite accidental.
Cornelissen (1970) noted that the
fish is not chewed (common behavior for other homalopsids), and described a
fish escaping, apparently unharmed, from a snake that had swallowed it after he
had picked-up the snake after it had eaten.
He also reports these snakes are often coated with a growth of algae; this
was also observed this in the specimens obtained at Thale Noi, Thailand during
this study.
Use of tentacles
The tentacles of this
snake are highly distinctive and have been the subject of much speculation.
Ken Catania has
experimentally shown that Erpeton has
a unique feeding mechanism and that the tentacles are a highly sensitive organ used to detect
vibrations in the water.
Erpeton has litters of 5 - 13
young based upon the literature (Morice, 1875a; Smith, 1943; Campden-Main,
1970). Martinez
and Behler (1988) reported on seven litters born at the New York Zoological
Park; parturition occurred from early July to early October; litter size ranged
from 5 - 12 (= 7.9); neonates ranged from 197 - 244 mm in total
length, and from 2.4 - 5.0 g. Courtship was observed only once, on 24 February.
Humans are the only known predators
of Erpeton; Stuart et al. (2000)
found that it was occasionally collected with other homalopsids during the
snake harvest at Tonlé Sap, Cambodia. This species made up a small percentage
of the catch and was not considered useful for human or crocodile food. Nor,
was it used for leather products. When caught it was frequently discarded
because of the belief it was poisonous. He (Stuart, 2004) also noted it was
collected by fishermen in the Mekong Delta. Morice (1875b) noted that the Annamites
consider this species venomous, writing, "The bite is thought to cause an
endless sleep, from which even a beating would not awaken one, and which would
end slowly in death."
The cryptic posture of this species
was described by Smith (1943) he wrote, “When this snake is handled it does not
attempt to bite or escape, instead it stiffens its body, a habitat that has earned
for it the Thai name of “ngu kradan” or the “snake like a board.” A captive snake
placed in an aquarium with one floating water hyacinth proved to be remarkably
cryptic. Its body posture and coloration combine to make it appear part of the
vegetation. Its cryptic nature is also enhanced by the growth of algae on the
skin. When placed in clean water the symbiotic algae is readily visible and the
fish (Betta splendens) in the
aquarium would graze along the snake’s body, thus besides serving as camouflage
the algae may also serve to attract prey.
Population and Abundance
Smith (1914b)
considered tentaculatus uncommon in
Bangkok, but noted its presence in waterways in surrounding areas. And, he
(Smith, 1943) later wrote, "It is not uncommon in ponds and sluggish
waters in the country round Bangkok if one knows where to look for it, and,
according to Bourret it is not rare in Cambodia and Cochin China.” In Cambodia,
Saint Girons and Pfeffer (1972) noted an absence of this snake during the wet
season, and suggested they become inactive during the dry season.
Erpeton was considered an
early divergence from the homalopsid stem by Gyi (1970), and indeed as noted in
the introduction Dowling et al. (1983) presented evidence that the Erpeton lineage diverged 45.2 MYA. Voris
et al. (2002) analyzed mtDNA from 16 homalopsids including Erpeton and suggested Erpeton
was in a clade with Enhydris bocourti,
Cerberus, and Homalopsis.